
.Sneakers - Ecommerce Template 2022

I built this single-page e-commerce store as an exercise to practice my front-end fundamentals. For this site I used only HTML, SCSS and vanilla JavaScript, manipulating the DOM for all animations. This was done with guidance from Lama Dev.

For the past few months I have been exclusively using frameworks like React and Django to build, and the time-constrained weather app challenge helped me to see that I could benefit from some practice using the basics. Not least because these stripped back sites are often far more performant, a huge factor for good UX.

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed building in this way, with less of the complexity abstracted away. When first learning how to use query selectors to interact with the DOM I remember finding it confusing, but going through this project it now feels more pure 😅 It has certainly resolidified my underlying web dev knowledge.

.Sneakers E-commerce Site.Sneakers E-commerce Site.Sneakers E-commerce Site