
Five Day Weather Forecast2022

This project was a front-end exercise that a friend set me. The primary challenge was to deliver in a short amount of time, just four hours. The secondary challenge was to build the application using SCSS/SASS while not relying on in-built grid systems such as bootstrap.

I enjoyed this build as it stretched me further than I expected; I have found positioning using only CSS challenging since I started coding, and the time pressure really helped to motivate me and develop a better grasp of the fundamentals.

Given that time was the primary challenge, I had to stop even though I did not feel that the project was complete. While I had hit all of the targets set, I would have loved to add a lot more attractive design.

I deliberated whether to share this, as it is not at the level that I would be happy shipping for a client, but ultimately decided it is worth showing my development. I regularly appraise my skill set for areas that could benefit from more learning and work on those to ensure I remain a well rounded full-stack developer.

Five Day Weather Forecast